Saturday, October 11, 2014

What Your Birth Doula Service is All About

Your Birth Doula Service was created to meet the needs of birthing women.  The title itself says it all.  It is your birth, therefore what is important to you is important to me, as your doula.  I have come to discover that in the end, how a woman gives birth matters less than whether she has felt supported and understood.  Don't get me wrong, how a woman births can have great significance and impact. But if she has been cared for and heard throughout the process, her healing will be smoother as will her transition to motherhood.

Below is a picture of me and the sweet little baby of a client.  This client had had a particularly traumatic first birth.  We worked hard together to help her clearly state how she wanted things to go the second time around.  Through perseverance and great courage, she birthed powerfully and beautifully.  What a gift!

This is what I do...

While Pregnant - If time allows, I like to schedule at least four prenatal visits.  The first is to get to know you and see if we will work well together.  The next two are intended to work though any questions, fears, or desires that you may have.  I make it a point to listen and reflect your needs back to you.  I help you clarify what you want and understand the birth process.  The fourth visit is a home visit.  I will travel to your home to meet with you and your partner.  The importance of this final visit cannot be understated.  This gives me the chance to drive to your place (so that when I come for the birth it will be familiar!) as well as meet your partner.  It is imperative that your partner and I discuss what each of our roles will be as well as how we can best support you.

The Birth - I come as soon as labor becomes active.  I maintain phone contact to help you determine when the time is right for me to come.  (And the time is right whenever you need me!)  I remain with you for the duration of labor and for at least two hours post-partum, if needed.  I will help you decide when to go to the hospital/birth center.  Throughout, my knowledge in positioning and comfort measures will help you cope through contractions.

Post-partum - I have had extensive training in breastfeeding, and am available to help with positioning and latch.  I stay as long as I am needed following  the birth.  I will take photographs/videos and help you feel comfortable.  I will also schedule a visit for a few days after the birth.  Problems that arise tend to do so within the first 48 or so after birth, so support is greatly needed.  My relationship with you does not end with the birth.  I am available to help with any questions or concerns both related to the birth and breastfeeding at any time.

Below is a picture of me with another baby of a client.  This woman was attempting a VBAC after two cesareans.  You can imagine the obstacles and resistance she encountered!  Together, we prepared for this birth by increasing her awareness of her body and her trust in the process as it would unfold.  As it happened, she was able to give birth vaginally at peace with herself and her body.  The birth itself was incredibly gentle and peaceful, and I still get shivers thinking about that perfect happy moment.

Your Birth Doula Service is both my business and my calling.  I am a doula because I feel that every woman should experience birth as rewarding and transformative.  It is my belief that having someone who is experienced in birth helps both mother and father-to-be feel supported and empowered.  There is no better way to experience birth and parenthood.

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